The Approach

Production Purgatory
The Pike's Peak International Hill Climb stands as a formidable test of endurance and skill, and we aren’t talking about the drivers. Our day begins early—we rise shortly after the sun sets.  Arriving at the foothills of Pike’s, we start the grueling hike from Devil's Playground to the summit, traversing roughly 4,500 vertical feet. Then the work begins, carry 50+ lbs of gear around at an oxygen-deprived altitude of 14,115 ft above sea level, making each step a breath-stealing effort. The course itself, spanning over 12 miles demands precision and adaptability, where we might get the chance to capture a driver a handful of times. Unpredictable weather conditions, rapid elevation changes, and the constant battle against altitude-induced fatigue make it even more difficult. Capturing Pike's Peak International Hill Climb requires not only skillful planning and maneuvering but also a resilient spirit to overcome the relentless series of challenges posed by this iconic motorsport race.

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